Tag: leading change

  • Driving Organisational Change

    Driving Organisational Change

    Why Investing in  Software Is Critical for Successful Organisational Change. Many leaders anticipate change initiatives to fail. If their first attempt at transformation stalls, they often resort to manual, time-consuming steps that only add to the cognitive burden on employees. Instead of investing in tools that could facilitate the transition, they opt for spreadsheets or paper-based…

  • Skills and Performance Reviews Matter

    Why Continual Skill and Performance Reviews Matter—Even for the Most Experienced OperatorsThe Experience Paradox: Staying Current in a Changing LandscapeAs an experienced professional, your skills and knowledge are invaluable. You’ve honed your expertise over years, perhaps decades, and you’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. However, the business landscape is constantly evolving. What was effective…

  • Achieve what matters with intentions

    Achieve what matters with intentions

    Most people have set goals, and possibly SMART goals before, and not met them. You’re probably wondering why you should try again. First we’ll explore the psychology and neurology that actually has us prefer the comfort of status quo, over our much desired future state, and then we’ll delve into goal setting and intentions to…