Story builder

Using situation, complication, resolution and Aha! 

(Approximately 4mins)

This is the easiest template to write simple stories.  

Use this template to quickly create a set of go-to personal stories great for interviews or lift conversations.

Simply copy and paste the final text into a spreadsheet or document.

story telling short version

Simplest ever story framework. Just add your specific and concrete details!

So we’re going to create personal and work stories using situation, complication, resolution and Aha.

The story below misses all the key details to make it vivid and meaningful. In this tool we work through each step and coach you to add the specificity to bring your story to life. At the end you’ll be able to pull your situation, complication, resolution and Aha into an interesting and compelling narrative.

Once upon a time in a far, far away land something horrible and scary happened (the situation) and you had to act right away (character). You tried a few things. They kind of worked, and then they didn’t.
All seemed lost (the complication). You faced your deepest, darkest fears. You risked everything, and I mean everything, and you saved the day. (resolution) And everyone all lived happily ever after. (Aha moment)

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