Engaging stakeholders

Getting your team and executives to all say the same key messages can be challenging at the best times. When you’re leading change, especially over a long period of time, it’s essential that everyone involved can quickly and easily relay the key messages consistently!

This simple tool creates an easy way for all of your team and key executives to quickly access the key messages, evidence and solutions in one place.

When you fill the template out with all your key messages, you can then use this tool to create your program communication messages, briefing notes, program updates, slide decks etc. Telling your story consistently becomes as simple as stating the change objective, and then outlining the problems (pain points) and then for each problem discuss the supporting evidence, how you’re program solves this, what the outcome will be and any progress so far. 

Once you’ve created some stories you can copy them to a spreadsheet and share them with your entire team. Keep the spreadsheet up-to-date with your evidence and progress and your entire team and executives will be saying the same key messages in know time.

Stakeholder engagement

Enter a theme

Theme Problem Statement Supporting Evidence Solution Outcome Progress
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