Feedback Checker

“Women get 22% more personality feedback than men. Black and Latinx people receive 2.4 times more feedback that is not actionable than white and Asian people do.”

-2022 Textio Analysis of feedback.


Good feedback provides actionable insight, reinforcing what’s working and expectations.

However, without consciously thinking about our feedback, we can too easily use stereotypes, non inclusive language and tap into our unconscious biases.

This simple tool isn’t exhaustive or fail proof. And yes, here’s the disclaimer. Providing actionable feedback that’s inclusive and free from bias is always the responsibility of the person giving the feedback. This tool can help flag some of the more common used phrases, flags them and lets you decide what you provide.

The checker doesn’t address rude, abusive, unfair language. There’s a degree of commonsense expected first.

Check your feedback here

Type or paste your feedback in this box.

Possible feminine words / phrasing

Possible masculine words / phrasing

Other words / phrasing

Suggestions / comments to improve

We really want to improve the quality of feedback given to everyone. 

If you have any suggestions or feedback where we can add or improve this tool, please click here to provide your feedback.

Feedback checker
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