Addressing bias 7-day challenge



Take the challenge

Welcome to the 7-Day Bias Awareness Challenge!

Bias awareness is a critical step in the journey towards creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive world. This challenge is designed to raise your awareness of biases and encourage you to take steps to address them. While deep transformation is a long-term process, this challenge serves as a foundation for continuous growth and learning. It’s important to remember that bias awareness is an ongoing journey, and this challenge is just the beginning.

Day 1: Self-Reflection

Begin your journey by engaging in self-reflection. Take a moment to explore your personal experiences and beliefs. Identify one area where you suspect bias might exist. This initial step sets the stage for greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Day 2: Learn About Unconscious Bias

Dive into understanding unconscious biases. Research and learn how these biases influence decision-making, often without our conscious awareness. This knowledge is crucial in challenging and mitigating bias effectively.

Day 3: Identify Biases

Today, pay close attention to your thoughts and interactions. Actively identify moments where biases may have played a role. Acknowledging their existence is the first step towards addressing them.

Day 4: Seek Feedback

Seek feedback from friends or colleagues about any biases they may have noticed in your behaviour. Honest feedback is a powerful tool for personal growth and addressing biases.

Day 5: Challenge Stereotypes

Engage in discussions or readings that challenge common stereotypes and biases. Expanding your perspective and understanding the harm of stereotypes is a crucial step in fostering inclusivity.

Day 6: Practice Empathy

Spend the day actively practicing empathy by trying to see situations from someone else’s perspective, especially those from underrepresented groups. Empathy is the antidote to bias, as it fosters understanding and compassion.

Day 7: Take Action

In this final day of the challenge, commit to addressing one bias you’ve identified. Make a conscious effort to change your behavior in situations where this bias may surface. This actionable step demonstrates your commitment to reducing bias and actively contributing to a more inclusive world.

And that’s a wrap

By completing this 7-Day Bias Awareness Challenge, you build a habit of self-reflection and actively working to reduce bias in your thoughts and actions. It encourages continuous learning and growth in your journey toward greater equity and inclusion. Remember, bias awareness is an ongoing process, and each step you take brings us closer to a world where everyone is valued and respected.

Reflect on your 7-day journey and share your experiences with friends, family, or on social media to encourage others to embark on a similar cultural awareness journey.

Record your actions

Add your 7-day actions below. You can either  add the actions as one action (note: this will show in your dashboard and action count as one action) or you can enter the action multiple times so your count reflects the total number of actions within the challenge.

Any action you enter from this page will show in your personal action page, but the information is not saved on this page. Once you leave this page, the program will reset.

You can complete this challenge as often as you like. You can choose the same culture to go deeper or another.

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